Posts Tagged 'Marketplace'

Too good to be true?

I described in a previous post the process of choosing my new camera, A DSLR. The most important part of this process being to hold it in your hand. This obviously meant going to a shop that sold it but that didn’t mean I needed to buy it from there. So I hit the internet again. This time trying to find the best price.

I decided to rule out eBay as I didn’t want to run the risk of getting ripped off or ending up with a used camera so I narrowed it down to reputable retailers, both online and actual bona fide shops. I searched purely on price and the cheapest deal I could find was on Amazon. I’d bought loads of stuff on there before and never had any issues; they were a big name player and had a good reputation so I decided to go ahead with them.


Continue reading ‘Too good to be true?’

Welcome to my blog

I am an amatuer photographer living in Sheffield, England. My blog will detail my photography journey, from fumbling beginer to, hopefully one day, competant and knowledgeable photographer

By sharing my experince hopefully I can help every one else with the same goals and maybe, just maybe impart some of the knowledge I have leaned

If you have any questions or comments about the blog then why not email me.
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